A lovely relaxing breakfast with Rob and Rose was welcomed after a great nights sleep. The boys and Rob were lounging together enjoying each others company whilst chatting with Kevin. Rose and I helped prepare breakfast for everyone before packing our bags and heading back to the airfield.
We were very impressed with the houses stair case and built in aquarium. Great idea.
It was great to see the surrounding suburb in the morning light. The Flynns had purchased their house in a very secluded suburb only 10 minutes from the Brisbane CBD. The house had parks and bikes paths within easy access and the boys’ school was only 5 minutes away by car. They were well and truly enjoying their new Brisbane life.
Back at Lady Bird we loaded up and prepared for the day’s flying once again. Saying goodbye to the Brisbane skyline we headed once again through a GA corridor to the north. Past unusual spike-type mountains - but the skies were overcast so the view was hazy. The terrain was not as hilly as I imagined but when the airfield came in sight at Gympie it was evident that it was an uphill gradient. The field is set on top of a hill and offers 360 degree views of all the valleys.
We were very impressed with the houses stair case and built in aquarium. Great idea.
It was great to see the surrounding suburb in the morning light. The Flynns had purchased their house in a very secluded suburb only 10 minutes from the Brisbane CBD. The house had parks and bikes paths within easy access and the boys’ school was only 5 minutes away by car. They were well and truly enjoying their new Brisbane life.
Back at Lady Bird we loaded up and prepared for the day’s flying once again. Saying goodbye to the Brisbane skyline we headed once again through a GA corridor to the north. Past unusual spike-type mountains - but the skies were overcast so the view was hazy. The terrain was not as hilly as I imagined but when the airfield came in sight at Gympie it was evident that it was an uphill gradient. The field is set on top of a hill and offers 360 degree views of all the valleys.
We arrived positively and taxied to the clubhouse grassed area to unpack and tie down. As we were a little earlier than planned Uncle Mick and Cathy were still coming in from the town………they arrived about 10 minutes later and drove around to Ladybird. It was fantastic to see Uncle Mick again and Cathi seemed really nice. We piled into his car and he drove us through the pretty town of Gympie. We wondered why the town was built on hill and dale and were told that it was first settled as a mining town therefore it grew around the mine. It hosts a multitude of businesses and rural areas with pineapples being its most prolific crop.
Whilst Mick and Cathi shopped we walked around the main street of Gympie checking out the shops. We ate at a lovely bakery, bought a few necessities to help out for meals like apple pies, scotch and dry ginger! I found a lovely pair of leather shoes so Kev bought them for me as an early birthday present.
Back at their property Cathi introduced us to their pets. Sarah was delighted to meet Bridie the Kelpie cross who excelled at fetching and catching Frisbees, football, toy ball whatever you asked for and was very obedient. Saffi (Safron) was the female seal point Siamese and (oops forgotten) was the male Tabby point Siamese who was very shy and scared of strangers but very beautiful. But best of all – Cathi is into animal rescue and had a baby male Eastern Grey kangaroo of about 6 weeks old. He was on 5 hourly feeds, just furred and beginning to sticky beak out of his pouch. She had just passed on a possum and baby bandicoot to the next stages of rehabilitation the previous day.
We planned to stay for 2 days (at least) to meet our 6 year old niece Isabella. It was going to be very exciting.