Wednesday, 26 January 2011


The countdown has begun. The plans are being set though not all falling into place.

The plan is:-
1.  Kevin, his Dad - John (88 years young) and mate - Macca
depart Mundijong on February 28th to attend Avalon Airshow in Victoria

However the replacement engine has not arrived and has only just been despatched from Oklahoma USA on 25th January 2011.

Kevin is confident he will install the engine, run, test, tighten, fly, tighten, test and have it ready for departure by Feb 28th!!

2.  Following attendance and flying display at Avalon Airshow John will return to WA whilst Macca visits relatives in NSW. Kevin moves the Stinson into storage in Victoria and flies home commercially.

3.  Kevin and Vicki fly to Victoria on Friday 25th March 2011 to attend the RAAF Memorial pilgrimage then onto Antique Aeroplane Association of Australia  fly in in Echuca.

Stinson Reliant SR8C VH-UXL

Stinson Reliant SR8C VH-UXL
over Perth city (Photo: Greg Hill)

About Us

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Flying farming couple who live on 135 acres. Kev is obsessed by aeroplanes. Vicki is devoted to horses and White Swiss Shepherds.