Thursday, 24 February 2011


Disappointment is an understatement!
After countless hours of checking and tuning parts, conversations with the engine manufacturers, changing of the oil pump, engine cowls off and on numerous times, test run-ups and flights etc etc, we cannot get the new engine to hold a safe constant oil pressure during flight. And its only 3 days till the departure date for Avalon.
SO the Avalon section of our trip has to be cancelled!
We are letting down our sponsors - Mobil Oil and the Avalon organisers who had booked us for daily flights during the air show as well as a prominent static position on the ground. 
Plan B, C, D, E, F now, is to use what components we need from the new engine and install them on the 'old' engine to enable us to at least make it to the RAAF 90th Anniversary Pilgrimage.
Therefore the new departure date will be around the 20th March.

What more can I say......I'll keep you "posted". (pardon the pun)

Stinson Reliant SR8C VH-UXL

Stinson Reliant SR8C VH-UXL
over Perth city (Photo: Greg Hill)

About Us

My photo
Flying farming couple who live on 135 acres. Kev is obsessed by aeroplanes. Vicki is devoted to horses and White Swiss Shepherds.