Sarah & Koala - Zoo Doo
Kevin’s wiring loom arrived as promised from Queensland so we all headed off to Cambridge. Whilst Kev undertood the installation Sarah and I headed off to historic Richmond town sightseeing.
Richmond was one of Tasmania’s first convict prison holding towns and the original gaol has been restored and opened for public viewing. The details of individual prisoners lives were scarce however the reality of solitary confinement cells of 2m long x 1m wide made of solid sandstone block with wooden floors and doors was mind blowing. Prisoners spent up to 21 days in these cells without seeing the light of day. Rations of bread and water were slid through feeding slots and the “night bucket” was replaced the same way! Sarah and I locked ourselves in one to experience the total blackness and cold of it. The place has an eerie quiet feel to it – where other tourists speak in whispers and 2 10-12 year old boys chose to stay outside in the sunny courtyard – maybe many spirits walk the corridors and watch us visit their final resting place.
The remainder of Richmond was much more inspiring. Sarah and I undertood to explore a Maze system. It was so much fun yet frustrating to try to find the centre point and come up against dead ends time and time again. Sarah has a great sense of direction and found the second central point and we returned tired and happy to receive our prize from the management. The magic word written in the central point was THESEUS. Who was he?
We returned to Cambridge to collect Kev who had successfully installed the wiring and re-installed the seating. We then all took a drive back through Richmond and enjoyed lunch beside the beautiful river admiring the 1846 convict built bridge. Sarah used photos of the bridge and it’s reflections as part of her art assignment. You couldn’t ask for a better choice.
We then went to the Zoo Doo an open style of Zoo just near Tea Tree and met wallabies, koalas, Tasmanian devils, quolls plus many deer and farm animals.
The bus trip to meet the friendly folk entailed emus and ostriches eating out of your feed bag OR taking the complete bag and eating that too! A water buffalo and gentle camels also enjoyed their handouts whilst sticking their huge heads into the open bus. They also had monkey exhibits and a pony race which was very exciting as Sarah’s pony won the race and she had her photo taken with him! No she didn’t ride him – he was only 30” high.

Tasmanian Devil at Zoo Doo Feeding albino wallaby
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