Coming off the Western Teirs - NW Tasmania
Unfortunately the weather pattern looked bad and although we had planned to fly to Strahan and beyond it was not going to happen. Pilot in Command decided that we should leave southern Tassie before we were socked in by weather that could keep us there for up to a week. So with a sad and heavy heart we said our farewells at Cambridge airport to Nanny Milly by 10am.
In company, once again, with Ben and Eleanor Sharpe in the C170 we departed Hobart after a loop over Stephen’s house for the NW. We tracked up the Derwent River initially then up past Jericho seeing all the Midland towns in the distance.
Up onto the Western Tiers we were astounded by the lakes atop mountains at 4,500 feet. Due to the poor rainfall the lakes were not deep but very spectacular. Abeam Launy Ben and Eleanor left us as they were returning to the mainland that day. We continued on until we fell off the edge of the mountains! One minute we were at 1,000 feet above ground level then we were 5,500 feet AGL. What a speccy view and weird feeling. Once again the views were so different. Deep gorges with wide rivers at the bottom. Rich country side all the way to Burnie.
We arrived at Wynyard Airport at 11.30 am to a lovely wide open field – with no-one in sight anywhere. Luckily there was Gaynor standing behind the security fence waving madly. She looked so great – hadn’t changed a bit I thought – even though we hadn’t seen each other in 11 years. But she couldn’t get in and we couldn’t find a way out. After a search we taxied away from the commercial end to the private owners end and found the Aero Club and exit gate. We tied Lady down, piled the luggage into Gayn’s car and headed off for lunch.
Fish and Chips (again) YUM YUM were eaten atop the Wynyard lookout near the lighthouse. What a beautiful scenery to eat lovely food with. Sarah hand fed wrens that hopped in for their share. We talked (and talked) and walked down the path before we headed back to Burnie for the day.
View from Wynyard Lookout - East

We telephoned Rick and Manuela who were not busy that evening so planned a BBQ get together. We drove into a shopping centre to buy food etc and who should we run into – but Rick and Manuela! We hadn’t seen each other since Sarah was about 2 so the re-union was very loud and noisy (And in a supermarket?!).
We planned another reunion upon them arriving at Gaynor’s place - then had to tell Kevin and Campbell that was all put on – due to the earlier chance meeting. A great evening of eating drinking and reminiscing was had by all. Especially Manuela and I who had known each other since the age of 18. Their 3 were all grown up and living on the mainland – it was great to hear about their lives.
It was really great to stay with such old friends and share good times again – I almost felt 25 again!

Rick, Manuela, Sarah - Vicki Kevin, Gaynor & Campbell
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