Jenny seeing us off - Wynyard
After a pack up, lift to airport from Jenny, refueling etc we finally departed Wynyard airport at 10am. We flew under low cloud, past the “Nut” one of Tassie’s strange landmarks on the NW coastline, then out over the sea for 90 nautical miles to stop at King Island.
The island “looked” almost flat with many paddocks hedged to help break the wind. After tying down we taxied into Currie with the wonderful King Island Ambassador “Geraldine”. She was full of information about the local businesses, islands economy, history, weather etc. What a lovely person. We were dropped off in town – amazingly outside a bakery! Kevin feasted on a steak & kidney pie followed by a sausage roll whilst I enjoyed a camembert and asparagus pie and Sarah ate healthily – a salad roll! She let the side down. All washed down with flavoured milk or coffees. A brisk walk followed down to the waterfront and museum – but found the museum closed.
The island “looked” almost flat with many paddocks hedged to help break the wind. After tying down we taxied into Currie with the wonderful King Island Ambassador “Geraldine”. She was full of information about the local businesses, islands economy, history, weather etc. What a lovely person. We were dropped off in town – amazingly outside a bakery! Kevin feasted on a steak & kidney pie followed by a sausage roll whilst I enjoyed a camembert and asparagus pie and Sarah ate healthily – a salad roll! She let the side down. All washed down with flavoured milk or coffees. A brisk walk followed down to the waterfront and museum – but found the museum closed.
On the foreshore we watched the surf roll in through craggy rocks and explored pools. Further around the shore we watched the local’s hauling in kelp for a business that makes chutneys and sauces from it. Unfortunately we didn’t get to taste or buy any – mind you it didn’t really sound that appetizing.
Geraldine picked us up as arranged and took us to the King Island Dairy where we tasted all the available cheeses. It was so hard to choose a favourite but we decided upon the Lighthouse Blue and a Triple Cream Camembert. Then found in the freezer – caramel and chocolate desserts (YUM!) and a creamy yoghurt which I could not resist.
Our taxi driver, ambassador then drove us to the Crayfish Co-op where Kevin was intoxicated by the smell and purchased 4 of the largest crayfish I have seen since my scuba diving years!!! They were a gift for Peter and Irene at Tyabb in appreciation of their hospitality.
Back at the plane by 2.30 we re-arranged the luggage to fit in our scrambling, struggling take-away dinner!! And departed King Island by 3 pm.
The sky was still overcast so at 3,500 feet we tackled the 110 nautical mile flight over water – with no islands en route. With the clouds blending into the ocean Kevin experienced his first real sensation of not believing the instruments and had a strong urge to turn left – even though our GPS pointed faithfully ahead. So I took control and held the heading – aiming at nothing till finally the Victorian coast appeared on the horizon and Tyabb appeared miraculously on Lady Bird’s nose. A beautiful descent into Tyabb concluded a memorable crossing.
The afernoon’s activities consisted of locating the largest cooking pot known to exist in Tyabb – thanks to Bob A. who took us on a tour of his newly restored house on the hill. The entire house was a pleasure to see – even his workshop, said Kevin.
The drowning and cooking of the cray-monsters took quite a few hours with many tears shed by Peter as he didn’t like the idea of them suffering but that was quickly overcome by the eating of the meat when meal time arrived. Once again Irene provided wonderful accompaniments to the crays and we all had our fill. (Even me, who doesn’t eat crayfish).
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