Tuesday, 17 April 2007


Photos of Zoo to come later!

A day at Taronga Zoo – what more can I say. Great trip across the bay on ferries, hours of leg tiring walking around the zoo. Watching fantastic seal and bird shows. Eating whatever food you can find. Very tired and happy trio ferried back to Rose Bay after dark.

Taxi ride to the Iceberg Club at Bondi for pre-dinner drinks with the Bailey/Capabala family. Long walk around Bondi beach and beyond to find a restaurant that could fit us in. A fantastic authentic Italian meal with foods Sarah had never tried before. Bruschetta, garlic bread, pancetta and thin tasty pizzas with fantastic toppings. Sorbet icecream to follow just in case we were not stuffed full. Stimulating conversation with Jacapo about eating styles and what NOT to eat together. Great learning curve – thanks Narelle and Jacapo.

Another late night we fell into bed after making arrangements for going out to the airport the next morning for our departure.
Narelle & Sarah in Lady Bird

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Stinson Reliant SR8C VH-UXL

Stinson Reliant SR8C VH-UXL
over Perth city (Photo: Greg Hill)

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Flying farming couple who live on 135 acres. Kev is obsessed by aeroplanes. Vicki is devoted to horses and White Swiss Shepherds.