Kev and I slept in the bus which was very comfortable and self contained. We awoke to birds chirping, galahs and sulphur-crested cockatoos screeching. There had been a slight dew but it was quite warm. Everyone gets up early because the roo needs his early feed so they take him back to bed for feeding.
Just after breakfast Sam brought Isabella over. It was so nice to see Sam again. We hadn’t seen her since they left Perth just after their wedding and that was over 7 years ago. Mick and her have since separated but remain friends and co-operate in the raising of Ella. We were both so overwhelmed we clung to each other and cried. And there was little Ella! So small and so beautiful. Of course, we had seen numerous photos of her over the years but to see her in real life was awesome! Her beautiful smile and those eyes!
Kev took himself to the airfield. He had planned to fly to Bundaberg to have Microair try to repair the transponder fault – once again. Unfortunately nobody was able to go with him for the fly. He departed about 8.30 and I acted as his SAR to ensure his safe arrival.
The day’s plans unfolded to attend the Kilkivan markets and view the parade of horse riders. The Kilkivan annual ride is for any rider and horse who wishes to do between 40-80 km ride through rough bush country. After the ride they congregate at the end of the main street and ride en-mass through the street. I have never seen 900 + ridden down a street at one time. It was awe inspiring. So many different sized horses, ages and breeds, colours and types. All of them hot and sweaty. The riders ranged between authentic stockmen, both aboriginal and white, riding groups, families and even some riders representing the light horsemen.
Kev and I slept in the bus which was very comfortable and self contained. We awoke to birds chirping, galahs and sulphur-crested cockatoos screeching. There had been a slight dew but it was quite warm. Everyone gets up early because the roo needs his early feed so they take him back to bed for feeding.
Just after breakfast Sam brought Isabella over. It was so nice to see Sam again. We hadn’t seen her since they left Perth just after their wedding and that was over 7 years ago. Mick and her have since separated but remain friends and co-operate in the raising of Ella. We were both so overwhelmed we clung to each other and cried. And there was little Ella! So small and so beautiful. Of course, we had seen numerous photos of her over the years but to see her in real life was awesome! Her beautiful smile and those eyes!
Kev took himself to the airfield. He had planned to fly to Bundaberg to have Microair try to repair the transponder fault – once again. Unfortunately nobody was able to go with him for the fly. He departed about 8.30 and I acted as his SAR to ensure his safe arrival.
The day’s plans unfolded to attend the Kilkivan markets and view the parade of horse riders. The Kilkivan annual ride is for any rider and horse who wishes to do between 40-80 km ride through rough bush country. After the ride they congregate at the end of the main street and ride en-mass through the street. I have never seen 900 + ridden down a street at one time. It was awe inspiring. So many different sized horses, ages and breeds, colours and types. All of them hot and sweaty. The riders ranged between authentic stockmen, both aboriginal and white, riding groups, families and even some riders representing the light horsemen.

We browsed up and down the roadside market stalls viewing the variety of crafts, horse oriented goods, assorted local foods. One stand also offered outdoor solid wooden benches – for only $300.00.
We returned home with such good feelings from such a unique event. Dinner was a combined effort of cold meats and salads with Sam and Cathi preparing and me supervising! Great evening of togetherness.
The next day’s plan was to drive to the coast for a picnic lunch and see Rainbow Beach – a sight I had fond memories from 25 years ago when Mick and I traveled Queensland.