Tuesday, 29 March 2011

March 22nd Mundijong to Kanandah

Departed Mundijong sharp on 9am with the first fuel stop being Merriden.  Arrived safely at 10.27am with wind straight down runway 10 - used 50 litres fuel.  With a 50 minute turnaround departed at 11.17 for Kalgoorlie trying to get good speeds and winds mindful of the big day ahead.  We had about 10 knots of headwind but still managed to cruise at 94 k.
Arrived over the top Kal at 1.05pm and landed on rwy 11 having used 2 litres of oil and about 193 litres of fuel since departing home. We ate some more of the goodies, biscuits, fruit, and cheese that had been so nicely prepared for us. Vicki SMS’d instructions through to us regarding the SPOT tracker as it was not recording on the website.  We departed at 2pm with Maca flying the plane totally except for the take offs and landings.  We sighted Kanandah Station and it was obvious that they had plenty of rain over the recent weeks.  There were lots of fat happy cattle sprinkled among the treeless paddocks.  The strip was dry with grass about 10 – 15cm long as we landed (at 3.45pm)- a sight I had never seen in all my years of stopping at Kanandah.  Both Mark and Karen were away unfortunately but the “rousies” welcomed us and after refueling and tying her down for the night we spent a pleasant evening eating a stew dinner with the rousies, we were allocated any empty stockman’s house where after removing 4 dead mice (complete with maggots) had a good nights sleep.
That was one long day for a first day out but we were very happy with the progress and the condition of the engine.

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Stinson Reliant SR8C VH-UXL

Stinson Reliant SR8C VH-UXL
over Perth city (Photo: Greg Hill)

About Us

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Flying farming couple who live on 135 acres. Kev is obsessed by aeroplanes. Vicki is devoted to horses and White Swiss Shepherds.